Spooked by Rafales, Pak says ‘India continues to amass military capabilities beyond its security requirement’

Spooked by India’s Rafale fighter jets, Pakistan foreign ministry said that New Delhi continues to amass military capabilities beyond its genuine security requirement.

Islamabad further urged the world community to dissuade India from its disproportionate arms build-up which could lead to an arms race in South Asia.

This is the first official reaction from Pakistan after five Rafale jets landed at Ambala Air Base yesterday.

IAF’s squadron strength has now reached 31

With the addition of five new planes, the IAF’s squadron strength has now reached 31.

Defence and security analysts have termed the Rafale a game-changing acquisition for the Indian Air Force as the aircraft is capable of carrying out a variety of missions.

The fighter jets can be used for ground and sea attacks and can also carry out electronic warfare, air defence, ground support and in-depth strikes.

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