1074 patients recovers from corona in India

In the ongoing war against the Corona epidemic, the country has achieved great success on two fronts. In the last 24 hours, 1074 people have recovered. This is the highest figure yet. Our recovery rate has increased to 27.52 percent. Not only this, the doubling rate has also increased to 12. The dabbling rate before the third phase of the lockdown was 3.4. That is, in 12 days, the corona cases are doubling.

This information has been given by Luv Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health. Aggarwal said, “The number of corona patients in the country has crossed 42 thousand. The total corona cases in the country have increased to 42533. So far, 11707 patients have recovered. 2500 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours. . Treatment of 29453 patients is underway. ” He said, “The government is constantly increasing the testing capacity for corona infection. Today, a total of 426 days of labs in the country are being tested for corona infection samples. Of these, 315 are in the public sector while 111 are in the private sector labs. . “

Earlier, the government was warned that if the incidence of infection increases, the exemption given in the lock down can be withdrawn. People should understand their social obligations and follow the rules. To this, Aggarwal said, “Lapse in social distancing can increase the risk of infection. Therefore, adherence to social distancing is very important. The districts which do not have any infection cases yet, if in any of those districts If the matter comes, restrictions will be imposed there too. “

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