SLAY YOUR GRAM :a new perspective towards Instagram.
Instagram is not just for uploading cool pics, it can help balance sheet to look “HOT”
Tejal Chopra who’s distinct yet creative marketable strategy has put her on the nation’s young ladies business visionaries’ graphs. An electrical engineer by degree, Tejal quit her high paying job in Amazon to discover her path of a successful young woman entrepreneur who is now running India’s most originative start-up- Tejal Chopra & Co. Diligently trained professionals at her company help passionate businesses rewire their business marketing and amplify current in the sales, by means of ultimate growth tools of Instagram, Facebook ads & Sales Funnels.
Tejal is now launching SLAY YOUR GRAM – The Ultimate Instagram Growth Series. This program aims at skyrocketing your instagram to get a constant flow of inquiries, leads and sales, without spending hours and hours on the platform daily.
”Instagram is Changing everyday and so in today’s time spamming the audience with only photos is not the right approach.” quotes Tejal Chopra. She also adds that, “Many people and business accounts get dejected when they dont get likes, comments and engagement leads, and that is exactly how she felt when she started her Instagram journey.” But with constant determination and trial & error methods she was able to crack the Instagram algorithm and help brands build a great platform for their audience.
With the Slay Your Gram series, Tejal aims at targeting the right audience for any product and service and helps businesses create useful content that increases the user engagement.
From beginners to experts, Tejal’s ideas and strategies can benefit everyone, since she uses new and practical methods of amplifying the brand presence online.